How it works?

A cooperative is an autonomous association of people voluntarily linked to the purpose of responding to common economic, social and cultural needs and efforts through a joint-venture company managed democratically.


1. Voluntary and open membership
2. Democratic management of members
3. Economic participation of members
4. Autonomy and independence 5. Education, training and information
6. Cooperation between cooperatives
7. Community care and social responsibility

E-Cooperative #Create responsible enables:

(1) the equal participation of different target groups and individuals – outsiders in the processes of management, decision-making and implementation of cooperative activities,

(2) support for precarious workers in the provision of services of an administrative and technical nature (from applications to tenders, to the organization of insurance, payments, invoicing, business management and books, etc.)

(3) creating creative teams for the implementation of innovative project ideas,

(4) access to the market through the co-creation of a supportive environment

(5) co-shaping the policies of the relevant departments in the areas of employment, social and legal security, health services for workers in precaroius workers,

(6) with an integrated approach through a community principle, provides better conditions and a negotiating position for the activation of outsiders, both from the field of cultural and creative industries and arts in public procurement procedures.

Operacijo delno financirata Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo ter Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.